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This site uses Google Analytics provided by Google, Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses cookies. Information about the use of the site along with the contents of the cookie will be transferred and stored on servers in the United States. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating the use of the site and reporting on its activities for its operators and for providing additional services related to the activities on the site and the use of the Internet in general. Google may also provide this information to third parties, if required by law, or if such third parties process this information for Google.

Google Analytics is enhanced by Google's related advertising features, such as: Google Display Network impressions, remarketing (displaying content ads based on viewed products), enhanced demographic reporting (reporting of anonymous demographic data).


How to Disable Google Analytics Tracking

If you do not want to provide anonymous Google Analytics data, you can use Google's plugin. Once installed in your browser and activation, data will not be sent further.

Learn more about data processing and usage in Google's terms of service..


Privacy Policy

Personal data manager and data subject

The Personal Information Manager is the company running this site, a booking service.

The data subject is a natural person who provided the controller with his or her personal data on the basis of a lease agreement, purchase contract, service contract or other agreement entered into with the trustee or consent to the processing of personal data as part of subscription to newsletters sent by the trustee. The subject of the data may also be a natural person whose personal data the administrator has obtained from other legal sources.


Scope of processing of personal data

The administrator processes the personal data to the extent that the data subjects are provided to it, or to what extent the administrator obtains it from other legal sources. These are: name, surname, date of birth, place of residence, place of business, identification number, credit card number, tax identification number, e-mail, telephone, signature.


Purpose of processing of personal data

The administrator processes the personal data of the data subjects in order to fulfill the contract concluded between the data subject and the controller in the form of electronic means of communication at a distance or in writing, the fulfillment of legal obligations and direct marketing (ie offering of products and services to the administrator) in the sense of Act No. 480/2004 Coll., on Certain Information Society Services. The business message of the controller sends only if the data subject has subscribed to the newsletter or if the controller has obtained the details of the electronic contact of the data subject in connection with the sale of his products or services. The data subject has the possibility to unsubscribe in a simple way and free from newsletters (newsletters).


Assessment of the necessity of processing

The Administrator takes care to protect the privacy of data subjects and therefore only processes personal data that are strictly necessary for the intended processing purposes.


Legal basis for the processing of personal data

The legal basis for the processing carried out for direct marketing is the consent of data subjects with the processing of personal data (subscription to newsletters) or the legitimate interest of the controller (obtaining electronic contact in connection with the sale of the product or the service of the administrator pursuant to Act No. 480/2004 Coll.).

In other cases, the legal basis for the execution of the contract, the protection of the legitimate interests of the trustee (protection of property, exercise of contract rights in court proceedings, etc.) and fulfillment of a legal obligation.


Time of processing of personal data

In the case of personal data processed to fulfill the contract, the controller processes personal data for the duration of the contractual relationship and subsequently for a further period of 10 years, taking into account the length of the limitation period for damages or damages. In case of processing in order to fulfill the legal obligation, the controller processes personal data for the period stipulated by the legal regulations. In the case of personal data processed on the basis of the data subject's consent, the controller processes personal data for 10 years unless the consent to the processing of personal data is withdrawn by then. This is without prejudice to the obligation of the controller to process personal data for a period of time determined by or in compliance with the relevant legislation.


Revocation of consent to the processing of personal data

If the data subject has given the trustee the consent to the processing of personal data, he may at any time recall his or her free consent to the processing of personal data. Revocation of consent is without prejudice to the lawfulness of processing based on consent given prior to his / her removal. Revocation of consent also has no effect on the processing of personal data processed by the controller on the basis of a legal basis other than consent (ie, in particular, if the processing is necessary to fulfill the contract, legal obligations or for other reasons stated in the applicable legislation).


Access to personal data

Personal data of data subjects have access to the controller and, where applicable, to third parties - recipients who provide appropriate safeguards and whose processing complies with the requirements of applicable law and which ensure adequate protection of data subjects' rights

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Nutné cookies

Nutné cookies Vám umožňují pohybovat se po Internetové stránce a využívat její základních funkcí. Tyto soubory cookies jsou pro využívání Internetové stránky nezbytné a k jejich využívání nepotřebujeme Váš souhlas. 

Výkonnostní soubory cookies

Výkonnostní cookies nám umožňují rozeznat a spočítat počet uživatelů a shromažďovat informace o tom, jak je Internetová stránka používána. Tyto informace využíváme k tomu, abychom lépe rozuměli fungování Internetových stránek a mohli je vylepšovat.

Nutné cookies

Nutné cookies Vám umožňují pohybovat se po Internetové stránce a využívat její základních funkcí. Tyto soubory cookies jsou pro využívání Internetové stránky nezbytné a k jejich využívání nepotřebujeme Váš souhlas.